"It was a fine day. Everything went on as usual. Dawn appeared, and the sun started to shine. The sky said hi and everything was fine.
The day went on, dawn disappeared, and the sun moved around. Suddenly, the clouds gathered and the sky turns black. Soon enough,it started to rain.
The rain continued for the rest of the day. The sunray was blocked and the earth was dark. The world was in a shadow.
Everyone was unhappy that a fine day was being spoilt. Everyone turned around and look at the clouds, blaming them for being such a spoiler. But what can the clouds do? They thought they were trying to help the world by congregating. But no one see their goodness and blame them for the downpour. The clouds were sad and they cried. This in turn caused an even larger storm that flooded the earth. The wind joined in raging savagely. This continued for days until the wind finally died down and there was nothing left of the clouds..."
What a sad world we live in.. Ppl got misconstrued and blamed for things they were trying to do, hoping to be of help.. Ppl's intentions were never really understood and many good deeds went unnoticed.. Where is the Salvation Angel?
Posted by pAtt |