DaZzled M!nD

August 29, 2005


I can't stop thinking. sigh. Why can't right and wrong be clearly separated? One might say something is right while the other might see it as wrong.

When someone commited a crime, he knew it's wrong but he did it anyway due to some reasons. But at least he knew it's wrong. So why can't someone see the devil in plain? I think it's quite easy to spot one.

Do you really can't see it or u refuse to see it? Or are u one of them?

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Im definitely ONE of them patt darling.... WAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 13/10/05 22:46  

Just a weird quote.."takes one to know one" , when people can find the flaws in one person..it is flaws of their own..that makes these flaws ever so obvious.. personally I believe that if we had black and white...what would life be ? Monotonous...dull....what is LIFEless? an object that lacks of life...therefore what is life? it is full of vigor and color...everyone is entitled to their own opinion...and if everyone saw everything as just RIGHT and WRONG..black and white...they would never have the saying "the ends justify the means" sometimes we do wrong things..because of the situation at hand...and it strangely creates a sense of justice..think about those who have been killed because they went against the law....like for example...there was a famous case where this man in england ( sorry for I can't recall the name) but he was accused and hung for murdering his wife and child when in actuality it was a drunk man..he was then only exonerrated from guilt only 100 years later, when technology proved otherwise..sometimes we must have a grey area to save those who were in the wrong yet do it for a valient cause...although individuality causes violence and sometimes war...a rule book, will cause deaths chaos and so much more..

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 16/10/05 23:24  

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