DaZzled M!nD

February 26, 2006

Wisdom from...dad

When I was younger, my dad used to teach me many life lessons. He would tell me all sort of things but usually in an indirect way. Those who know me know how much I love my dad, not because he is my dad but because of the person he is.

One thing I learned from him is love. One of the earliest things he said to me about love is "you can love, you can lust, but you can't love someone out of pity". Back then, I didn't think much of what he said. But I've never forgot his words. It was only recently that I came to a full understanding of his words. I had to make an important decision and these words came back to me.

Now I realised that was not the only thing he said that I believe in. I know I could never loved someone who does not love himself or his parents. I once chose to believe other wise but it was so true that it was impossible. My dad used to say that if a guy does not love his parents, the ones who gave him his life, or even himself, then how could he love you?

I used to argue that there is no one who does not love himself/herself (I still strongly believe in that). But I realise there are some people who do not appreciate their parents. I know we all have some moments when we forgot about our parents and how much they care about us. But some people just chose to ignore their parents completely. So how could I ever love such person? Once again, my dad has said something which became a "philosophy" I live by.

I wonder what's next...

I know this entry is quite pointless but I hope u see the point I'm trying to say...

Posted by pAtt |

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